
Population Control

We will discuss: Population Control via Neo-Malthusianism and eugenics agendas; the philosophies used to justify them; how they’ve been implemented over the last 60 years; and, how it appears to be reaching a climactic stage today. Is a genocidal agenda unfolding before our eyes?

Article discussed: Neo‐​Malthusianism and Coercive Population Control in China and India: Overpopulation Concerns Often Result in Coercion

Death of Science

We discuss: the death of science as a method and it’s usurpation by “The Science” as an institution; the infusion of wokeness and critical theories with this institution; and, the threats to civilization, culture, and life that this institution poses on us all. The institution of “The Science” is becoming a religion with a priesthood that ordains the canonically accepted “truths” and systemically oppresses dissenting views, opinions, and facts.

War on Morality

We will discuss: how the rhetoric of institutions (i.e. academia, media, etc) has been weaponized to dismantle morality; how culture is being undermined by immorality and the destructive effects on society; and, how we can counter this immorality movement with our intention, attention, and the embodiment of principles.

Morality & Meaning

We discuss: morality and it’s manifestations in individuals, culture, nature, and society; the distinctions between absolute morality and moral relativism; morality’s role and relationship with Truth, Love, and Faith; and, the significance of spirituality, religion, science, and reason in knowing and embodying morality.